Will Machines Replace Me?

Will Machines Replace Me?

“What To Do When Machines Do Everything” By Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig, and Ben Pring discusses the benefits and potential consequences of the digital era. Digital transformation isn’t just coming, it’s already here, and this book outlines the steps that you can do to be prepared for this technological revolution. When technology is everywhere, transformation can come from anywhere. Rather than predicting the future, Frank, Roehrig, and Pring encourage readers to go out and invent it, hand-in-hand with the new machines.

Adapting to the New Digital Era

Adapting to the New Digital Era

The concept of digital transformation is rapidly becoming a part of our society and not only changing the way we live and think, but changing the way we do business. On a macro scale, digital transformation describes the changes in society revolving around technology and its everyday uses. Successful and efficient leadership in this new digital era must be one that understands the push towards absolute computerization and adapts their teams’ methods to ensure the vision is still in sight and can be reasonably obtained.