
Leadership and Coaching

In the months prior to the Coaching Mindset Summit, cameras were rolling to capture the ability of Coaching to be a transformative experience for college engineering students. Watch as third-year undergraduates learn about and reflect on the Growth Mindset, asking deep questions, and what Coaching looks like after college.

Coaching Mindset Summit

Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute Cohort 6 members conducted an event titled the Coaching Mindset Summit, attended by various executive coaches, business associates, and students of the Institute.

Coaching in the Workplace: Training with GE Digital

Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute members Anne Poindexter and Chris Smitherman were featured panelests at a People Leadership training course at GE Digital in Cincinnati. Anne and Chris were asked to provide insight into the value of the Coaching Mindset as well as give advice on applying coaching strategies within leadership positions.

What is the Coaching Mindset?

Are you interested in learning the basics of Coaching? The Coaching Mindset is an excellent place to start. In this condensed overview, you will be introduced to the basics of asking productive questions, the Growth Mindset, effective listening, and the G.R.O.W. model of coaching.

Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute Students Tackle the Coaching Mindset

How did third year engineering undergraduates come up with Coaching as a topic for a year long project? Read about the project origins, initial thoughts, and how this project is different from those done previously in this article written by student Paige Smith. Paige is a fourth-year undergraduate and a member of Cohort 5 of the Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute. She shares her view of the Coaching project from the perspective of an older student.

Coaching, Learning, and Self-Awareness

Coaching, Learning, and Self-Awareness

What are engineering undergraduates gaining out of the study of Coaching? Anne Poindexter, a third-year undergraduate, shares her experience with coaching as an opportunity to learn deeply about oneself, and how the Coaching Mindset strengthens self-awareness.

Coaching: Learning Beyond Sports

Third-year engineering student Emmett Bryan had been an athlete for most of his life, so he was no stranger to Coaching. How did his perceptions change when introduced to the Coaching Mindset? In this interview, read about Emmett’s journey to understanding of the Coaching Mindset, and how flexible Coaching is, and the importance of introspection in being both a good coach and coachee.

Capturing the Coaching Mindset in Real Time

Leading up to last year’s Coaching Summit, Charles Mullenix led the Digital Team in the quest to capture how a group of 26 college juniors learned the Coaching Mindset. In this exclusive interview, Charles shares his vision for the video and speaks on his largest takeaways from Coaching as a college student.

Beginning Coaching in Leadership

Join Kyle Weaver as he begins to learn about what qualities and mindset a coach should develop. His main focus is the attention and the thought that the coach needs when addressing their client.